April 7, 2020 Update

Dear Friends and Family,

I wish there was a way to give each of you a real hug to thank you for your generous support of Meals of Gratitude. Through your kindness, we are now into our third week and plan on continuing until there is no longer the need.

The response from people like you has been humbling. Besides providing funds for the meals sent to the front line at Stanford University Hospital, your donation has supported bringing back to work restaurant staff.

We did not cut costs on ingredients so we could continue to do what we could to keep our local food shed afloat. From the onset, in addition to sending meals to the hospital, it was paramount to purchase ingredients from local farmers, ranchers, fisheries, dairies, and our nearby food supply who are also struggling.

We also have staff baking cookies and Flea Street biscuits; making everything from scratch, as it is a way to keep people working and offer food made with love.

We also wanted to share that there is a very special human connection that has been created with mealsofgratitude.org. Our staff and the recipients at the hospital send photos and notes of gratitude back and forth. We post updates regularly on the website as well as on facebook.com/mealsofgratitude and Twitter @mealsgratitude.

Please know you are a part of this human connection. We want you to know that our gratitude for your giving is with us daily. Please help us spread the word, or if you would like to give even a little more, we would be grateful as we have been asked to continue as long as necessary.

So, this is a virtual big honest hug from us to you for making this happen.

With love,
